getLOST with Cody Lark
Lark on the Lam
EP.1: Am I powerful?

EP.1: Am I powerful?

Lark on the Lam Podcast

I stepped over the line with episode 0. Now, I bestow upon the world episode 1. Still unfiltered, but with a dash of music added!

Listen if you got time. Comment if you got even more time.

Some quotes from episode 1:

At the highest level I think the question that I want to answer, I think a lot of us want to answer is, what am I? But it’s a big question. It’s a question that I think needs more bite-sized questions to funnel into it, to accrue more information to be able to even begin to answer..”

“Personal power, the only power that really does exist is this personal kind of power. It’s a concept that comes into your life to make you more and more worthy and able to see reality for what it is…it’s not about strength or being the winner, it’s the force that you as an individual have let into your life, that you have sought after, to see clearer, to be able to handle circumstances more seamlessly and easier, be able to work with reality in new ways that allows you to see, where before was dark, the light of the moment, the opportunity within the moment. The moments that take you away from your patterns and put you in unordinary realities.”

“I started patching up those holes [wasted energy], ya know, I found out that I needed to remove myself from certain people that demanded my attention… I realized I was giving more than receiving. At the time in NYC I didn’t know how to receive. I thought giving was my function and so I was living my purpose but I came to find that I had a lot of superficiality. I was dealing with a lot of people and a lot of things and responsibilities that I had the choice of being around and I had the choice of engaging with. So I left NYC.”

“[My] want for “child-like wonder” was actually a need and a want for power…seeking of knowledge and accruing of some force that brings me to an awareness and a place of abundant opportunity to progress down [my] path…to know that every moment is offering me more and more to sink my teeth into and digest."‘

Power is my capacity for exploration of the universe, my circumstances and my experience. And so with all that being said, in the last 5 years, I look at how much more powerful I am now than I was before.”

“The force itself that guides me is filled with a sense of purpose inherently. A lot of people get jobs to have some kind of purpose where they’re contributing to something and that gives them a sense of meaning, but my sense of meaning has grown with my accruement of power, my sense of bringing in power through meditation, health, belief. Belief that these moments I’m having that are borderline psychedelic are important.”

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getLOST with Cody Lark
Lark on the Lam
Self-liberation insanity for sanity's sake.
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