getLOST with Cody Lark
Lark on the Lam
EP.2: Am I mystical?

EP.2: Am I mystical?

Lark on the Lam Podcast

The second episode and another big q answered by moi.

*Funny note, I say “kale” at some point when I mean to say “Quail.”

By the way, if you don’t have a lot of time or patience, I discovered my words at 2x speed comes through pretty clear!

Some quotes from episode 2:

“I’m agnostic about the form that god/the creator/the All takes. I don’t really know what that form is. I’ve had experiences where I’ve definitely felt [what I believed was] the “divine touch.” Felt the divine presence of the All. Felt like I was within a much larger, infinite mechanism.. or reality.”

“I would use words like fantastical, mystical, psychedelic, strange. And all of these words I think were tapping into the same energy that I was feeling, which was “this is bigger than what I normally bring in, there is more information coming in. This is more of an experience that draws outside of the lines than what I’m use to.”

“I was mystical when I had less things going on around me.”

“So many people say that we are all one and we need to unify because we’re this one force, apart of a greater system, but unless you feel that and know that to be true then it goes in one ear and out the other. It’s not because people intend for that to happen. There’s something about this experience that needs us to experience our way into coming to that awareness.”

“Based on the expanded awareness that I’ve come to where I’m seeing more of the mechanism at work [I’m not just going to] have good intentions but actually satisfy those intentions with truth. Where I’m not just paving a path to hell with good intentions but paving a path to heaven with good intentions.”

Thank you for listening!

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getLOST with Cody Lark
Lark on the Lam
Self-liberation insanity for sanity's sake.
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